Tuesday, March 2, 2010

QUIZ 2 – M.F.K. Fisher/Pellegrini/Liebling

1) According to Fisher, what is the bachelor’s “approach to gastronomy”? Why
do they bother to make a good meal?
The way fisher sees the bachelors approach to gastronomy is to only pick up and seduce women, at least to a certain degree. It's also seen as a way to perhaps impress women and prove that they can be suave.

2) In what setting do these bachelors like to “give a little dinner’?

These bachelors tend to choose their snazzy apartments as a setting to show off their prowess.

3) Why doesn’t Fisher – why shouldn’t any woman in this situation – ever
“penetrate” into the kitchen to help the bachelor cook? What effect might
this have? No woman should ever enter the kitchen while the bachelor is cooking. This could be interpreted as a mothering type which would ruin the entire seduction and mood.

4) How would you characterize Fisher’s approach to these bachelors? What
tone or attitude does she seem to take?
Fisher seems to take a curious but knowledgable approach to these bachelors and the tone she displays seems to be comical but inquisitive.

5) Fisher was well-known for her use of language. How would you describe
Fisher’s style, the way she writes?
Fisher's style of writing seems to be personel because it is written in her own view and also narrative because a story is told.

QUIZ 2 – M.F.K. Fisher/Pellegrini/Liebling

6) Upon arriving in America, what was Pellegrini most impressed with, beyond “the skyscrapers, the automobiles, and the roaring trains”?
He tended to notice the abundancy of food that america had.

7) Characterize any of the “disappointments” that befall Pellegrini as he
makes his way west.
while noticing the abundance of food the author also notices the wastefulness of the american people.

8) Pellegrini suggests that Americans have a “disrespect for food.” What does he mean? Give an example.
Americans tend to have a disrespect for food, taking it for granted. Considering we always have access to it, what does it matter if it rots?.Also not taking it seriously. Producing food for mere consumption without putting passion or love into it's making. "the food submitted to the immigrants on trains and railway stations was awful. it was sold in box lunches that contained sandwiches of salame and cheese."

9) What, according to Pellegrini, have immigrants brought to America in terms of food and the culture at large?
that the only people that appreciate the abundance of america are indeed immigrants. Only they understand what food means and appreciate it so and in doing so they are" the most satisfied the most gay and the least neurotic".

10) Pellegrini’s piece dates to the 1940s, but could it have some relevance to today’s food culture in America? Do you think his observations are insightful or perhaps prescient in some way? Why or why not? Explain.
i think that pelllegrini's piece is still incredibly strong today. Food is still wasted today and people still take it for granted. this could of been written today because we are still choosing to misuse products and create food for mere consumption with no heart behind it.

11) What is Liebling’s main point about certain people’s tastes? Do you think this notion rings true in today’s America? How so?

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